MOVCAC News, Events, and Review
MONDAY 10 / 1 / 2021
Events and News in OH and WV
MONDAY 10 / 1 / 2021
WV – Ritchie County Board of Education CANCELED
Volunteers needed to go be and STAND with one of our MOVCAC families
Ritchie County Board of Education special meeting
When: Monday, October 4th, 6:00 PM
Where: 134 S Penn Ave, Harrisville, WV 2636
REVIEW… MOVCAC Meeting – September 27, 2021, Group committees have leaders but need more volunteers. The groups need members from Ohio and West Virginia.
Special Groups Are—
- Education
- FOIA-Freedom of Information Act
- Health
- Media/Communications
- Local Government
- State Government
- Voter Integrity
If you are not currently getting emails from MOVCAC or We the People Convention, go to those sites and re-sign up.
Volunteers for Joe Blystone, Candidate for Ohio Governor, distributed flyers. Blystone will be at the Heck Harkins Community Center at Stockport on Sunday, October 3 from 3 to 5 pm and at the Octoberfest in Lowell. Dr. Frank will also be at the Stockport event.
Three MOVCAC members have passed recently. Other members are improving either in the hospital or at home. Lex Taylor, who ran the soundboard, is one that we lost. We need a volunteer to take his place.
Attorney General Speaking
West Virginia’s attorney general Patrick Morrisey will be speaking at the Rock Church on October 5th from Noon – 1:30PM.
IRS Tracking Bank Accounts
The proposal that the IRS track bank transactions of $600 or more is being pushed by the Biden Administration. J.D. led a discussion on this issue. The plan is to hire 80,000 IRS agents and use an ESG score to limit our lives. China already does this. It is part of the Karl Marx theory—no religion, no family, no private property.
Money collected at the MOVCAC meetings is going to the podcast group known as Freedom Light and to the Liberty Ship float. Freedom Gate Church has made space available to do the podcasts. S.K. is doing an opinion podcast replying to West Virginia Governor Justice’s television presentations.
Tom Zawistowski of the We the People Organization called into the meeting and spoke about the Articles of Impeachment proceeding against President Biden. The Impeachment Res 671 was initiated by Bob Gibbs from Stark County, Ohio. Only four republicans are currently supporting it—Bob Gibbs, Ohio; Andy Biggs, Arizona; Brian Babin, Texas; and Randy Weber, Texas. All Republicans. Tom said there are parliamentary procedures Republicans could use to halt legislation, but Republicans so far have not played to win.
Call Congressman Bill Johnson or your Congressman and ask them to support this Impeachment. Also, ask them to vote No on the Spending Bill.
Election Security
The recent forensic audit of Maricopa County, Arizona, proved that their election system was not secure in 2020. We must see that new legislation passes to assure that our elections are secure; this legislation must contain an enforcement mechanism.
The group is growing. Contact MOVCAC if you have pertinent information you wish to share.
C19 Antibodies
You don’t need a doctor’s script to have your blood tested for antibodies. The normal charge is $25.
Vaccine Mandates
Frontline Doctors recommend: “Don’t resign. Let them fire you.”
The Rock Church, 1305 37th St, Parkersburg, WV 26104 is providing a place for this group to meet on the first Tuesday of each month 7:00 pm.
Naturopath and Vibrant Health Educator
will host a
Saturday, October 16th at
Freedom Gate Church
10 AM to 5 PM with a lunch break,
Bring a sack lunch, drinks will be provided
Topics – Reversing Gene Modification
Dietary Suggestions
MOVCAC Opinion Brief
Freedom’s Light Podcast
OH – News Brief
From: George Brunemann
Subject: Latest Podcast is a must listen!
Date: September 30, 2021
Today’s podcast is now available at RestoreLiberty and at Spotify, SoundCloud, iHeart, and Apple.
This is a time-sensitive discussion about the shenanigans going on in Columbus with regard to Covid mandates and your right to personal and medical freedom! This is a long note, but please read and pass this along to everyone you know.
We encourage you to listen to this discussion as soon as possible!
Then connect with your representatives to stop the GOP from ramming through a “Vaccine Fairness” bill (HB435) that does nothing to stop mandates and offers weak/temporary chance at exemptions. They wrote this bill and tried to bring it to a vote in less than a day, while the far superior Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination bill sat in committee for over 6 months!
Please contact your representative through every means possible to urge them to reject HB435 until it incorporates actual freedom from government control of your body!
If you do not know who your representative is you can enter your address here and get that information.
At a minimum please contact the authors and co-sponsors and key “leaders” responsible for stopping the actual personal freedom bill, HB248 and punishing the people actually representing the Ohio citizens:
- Bob Cupp, [email protected], (614)466-9624 (Speaker responsible for killing HP248 and punishing Rep Gross)
- Bill Seitz, [email protected], (614)466-8258 (Majority leader responsible for the watered down HB435)
- Scott Lipps, [email protected], (614)644-6023 (Committee Chair responsible for refusing to consider HB248)
- Cindy Abrams, [email protected], (614)466-9091
- Rick Carfagna, [email protected], (614)466-1431
- Tim Ginter, [email protected], (614)466-8022
- Don Jones, [email protected], (614)644-8728
Just for curiosity, I checked the campaign finance records.
If you want to know where your representative’s loyalties reside, check out
For example, want to know why the GOP is siding with the the vaccine companies on mandates and the public schools on CRT:
- Speaker Bob Cupp received
- $51.7k from Political Education Patterns
- $47.7k from Ohio Education Association
- $25k from Nationwide Insurance
- $16.5k from Friends of Ohio Hospitals
- $10.5k from Dominion Energy
- $7.5k from Cardinal Health
- $6.5k Ohio Certified Registerd Nurse
- $6.5k UnitedHealth Group
- $5.8k Ohio State Medical Association
- Bill Seitz received
- $43.8k from Ohio Education Association
- $16k from Ohio Health Care Association
- $8.2k from Ohio State Medical Association
- $8k from Nationwide Insurance
- $5.5k from Friends of Ohio Hospitals
Is it any wonder why CRT is getting into our schools and mandatory vaccination will become the law in Ohio with the huge dollars going into these campaign coffers.
If you want to go the extra yard, contact the key organizations that lobbied to kill HB248 and are actually promoting unconditional vaccine mandates:
Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati
Akron Children’s Hospital
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc.
American College of Emergency Physicians
American College of Physicians
American College of Surgeons – Ohio
Arthritis Foundation
Association of Ohio Health Commissioners
BASA – Ohio’s Superintendent Association
Bio Ohio
Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO)
Buckeye Health Plan
Cardinal Health
Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians
Charitable Healthcare Network
Children’s Defense Fund
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber
Cleveland Clinic
Columbus Chamber of Commerce
Columbus Medical Association
Columbus Partnership
Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
Dayton Children’s Hospital
Global Healthy Living Foundation
Greater Akron Chamber
Greater Cleveland Partnership
Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association
Groundwork Ohio
Immunization Advocacy Network of Ohio
Immunize Ohio
Inter-University Council of Ohio
LeadingAge Ohio
Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio
March of Dimes
Medical Group Management Association
Mercy Health
Molina Healthcare
Montgomery County Medical Society
Mount Carmel Health System
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
National Meningitis Association
National Patient Advocate Foundation
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
National Hispanic Medical Association
Ohio Academy of Family Physicians
Ohio Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs
Ohio American College of Emergency Physicians
Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses
Ohio Association of Child Care Providers
Ohio Association of Community Health Centers
Ohio Association of Health Plans
Ohio Association of Rheumatology
Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators
Ohio Association of School Nurses
Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators
Ohio Business Roundtable
Ohio Chamber of Commerce
Ohio Champions for Vaccines
Ohio Chapter – American Academy of Pediatrics
Ohio Chapter – American College of Cardiology
Ohio Children’s Hospital Association
Ohio College of Clinical Pharmacy
Ohio College Health Association
Ohio Counseling Association
Ohio Counseling Association
Ohio Dermatological Association
Ohio Health Care Association
Ohio Health
Ohio Hematology Oncology Society
Ohio Hospital Association
Ohio Manufacturers’ Association
Ohio Nurses Association
Ohio Orthopaedic Society
Ohio Osteopathic Association
Ohio Pharmacists Association
Ohio Physical Therapy Association
Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association
Ohio Public Health Association
Ohio Society of Pathologists
Ohio Society for Respiratory Care
Ohio Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Ohio State Coroners Association
Ohio State Medical Association
Premier Health
ProMedica Russell J. Ebeid Children’s Hospital
Retire Safe
Science and Families Engaging Communities Coalition and
Action Fund
The Academy of Medicine of Cleveland & Northern Ohio
The Aids Institute
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
The Christ Hospital Health Network
The Health Collaborative
The Ohio Council of Retail Merchants
The Ohio Foot & Ankle Medical Association
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Triage Cancer
UC Health
UH Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
University of Cincinnati Center for Excellence in
Developmental Disabilities
Vaccinate Your Family
These companies, their lobbyists and their money are the ones actually in control of the Ohio GOP and by design, our personal medical freedom.
We need to take back control of Ohio!
Thank you for your support!
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