Faith, Conviction, and Bravery.
AUG 12, 2023
An Interview with Nate Cain WV-2
Over 15 years ago, I was sitting at the Tyson’s Corner Morton’s steakhouse with my father and Representative Tom Davis. It wasn’t uncommon for my father and I to be in D.C. meeting with politicians he was supporting, or odd for me to be included in those meetings, whether that be fundraiser events, speeches, or private dinners like this one. However, this night, in particular, stuck with me for my entire life, and it was because of a single joke that Representative Davis told me that night.
He leaned across the table to a young teenage boy and asked if I wanted to know a well-kept secret about politicians. I, with a naive and happy smile, obliged him.
He then asked: “How can you tell if a politician is telling the truth?” I said I didn’t know. He replied: “Ahh, well I’ll tell you…” and he sat himself up straight and leaned back in his chair. “If a politician is straightening his tie, he’s telling the truth… If he’s fixing the time on his watch, he’s telling the truth… If he’s cleaning his glasses, he’s telling the truth.” He paused and could see my confusion, but then with a wry smile, finished: “But it’s the moment he starts moving his lips, right then! You know he’s lying.”
A simple joke that stuck with me for the rest of my life, but it speaks to a well-known truth that is understood by everyone who covers political issues: Politicians lie. This is not to disparage Representative Davis; in my hundreds of memories of politicians, I genuinely believe that he was one of the best and most honest politicians I met in my young life.
However, it does illustrate a point that is well understood by everyone who knows anything about Washington D.C. The city is full of liars, and many politicians will simply lie to their constituents to get their vote, only to move on to the next group with more false promises.
But that isn’t always the case. Every now and then, a different kind of politician emerges—one who stands up and speaks not for personal gain, but entirely for the people from whom they earned their vote. Someone who genuinely acts selflessly in their pursuit of office, believing that they can be a force for good, rather than just another voice in the ideological banter that characterizes Washington D.C.
It was a politician with that very voice that I encountered when I spoke to Mr. Nate Cain, a Republican candidate for Congress in West Virginia’s District Two.
For over an hour, we discussed his faith, life, career, and what ultimately drove him into politics. Not once during the entire conversation did he ask me for connections, donations, or even proclaim his strong positions on ideological grounds. Instead, his message to me was a candid discussion of his grassroots movement into politics, a journey he believes he was called to undertake through his faith.
From preaching in churches to engaging with small country communities, every story that Cain told me about his campaign had a common theme. It was about the people he was meeting, what they were saying to him, and how his prospective constituents felt that they had been left behind in politics. But after hearing him tell his story, they were willing to promise him their vote.
And for good reason, as Nate Cain’s story is quite a compelling one, and not exactly the stereotypical journey into politics one might expect.
For those who are well versed in politics, you may remember the story from the 2016 election cycle: the Uranium One scandal that rocked the Clinton campaign. An anonymous informant came forward with credible intel that linked the Clinton Foundation to a Russian company’s acquisition of Uranium One. This controversial deal allowed Rosatom, Russia’s state-owned atomic energy corporation, to gain control over about 20% of the U.S.’s uranium extraction capacity. The sale required approval from nine federal agencies, including the State Department then headed by Hillary Clinton. Allegations arose that the approval was directly influenced by donations to the Clinton Foundation by individuals connected to Uranium One, sparking accusations of a “pay-to-play” scheme.
What you may not know about this story, even if you are very up to date on politics, is that Nate Cain was the very whistleblower who came forward with that intel. As a result of this courageous act, his entire life was turned upside down. The decision to reveal the information was not made lightly, and the consequences were severe. He faced legal threats, personal attacks, and even physical danger. His reputation was put on the line, and he nearly died for speaking the truth.
When I asked specifically if he knew the danger he was putting himself in by coming forward with that intel, Cain was quite clear that he understood what he was getting himself into. He knew that taking such a stand would expose him to retaliation from powerful interests. He was aware that his actions could lead to professional ruin, legal challenges, and even threats to his personal safety. But despite these risks, he felt a moral obligation to bring the information to light.
“It was absolutely dangerous. And in fact, my whistleblowing attorney after handling my case packed up and left the mainland, moved to Puerto Rico.”
He told me he took every precaution to maintain his anonymity during the initial release of the intel, understanding the gravity of the information he was about to reveal. This was not a decision made in haste but a calculated move, carefully planned and executed. Cain was fully aware that the information he possessed could provoke a strong reaction from those implicated, and he knew that his safety could be at risk.
In his own words, he described the measures he took, simply to buy himself time:
“I was wearing sunglasses, a hat, a hoodie. You know, basically trying to disguise. And I told Michael, I didn’t wanna say any words, in case they had some sort of listening device, and I knew eventually they’d figure out who I was, but I wanted to buy myself as much time as I could.”
WC: A full on spy transaction.
“Oh Yeah, well I didn’t want to be killed.”
These precautions were not taken lightly. They were a reflection of the serious nature of the information he was revealing and the potential backlash he could face. Cain’s efforts to conceal his identity were not about fear or evasion but about strategy and prudence. He knew that once his identity was revealed, the real battle would begin, and he would have to face the consequences of his actions head-on.
His careful planning and the steps he took to protect himself underscore the risks involved in whistleblowing, especially when it involves powerful political figures and sensitive information. Cain’s story illustrates the lengths to which individuals may have to go to ensure that the truth is heard, even when it means putting themselves in harm’s way.
Yet despite his attempt at remaining anonymous, he was proven right. Not long after turning this information over, his home was raided by federal law enforcement, despite his protected whistleblower status. This was not a routine investigation but a full-scale operation that seemed to disregard the legal protections typically afforded to whistleblowers.
Cain described the raid in vivid detail:
“So they came in, it was kind of like a Mar-a-Lago style of raid, 16 agents. He comes in, he says, “Well, the reason we’re here is about a thumb drive.” And I said, “Yeah, I took the thumb drive. But I’m a protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act.” Then I said, “I’ve already turned over the information to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.”
WC: “Now, you said it was agents at your house who exactly? What agency was this?”
“The FBI.”
The response from law enforcement was not what one might expect given his status as a protected whistleblower. Instead of acknowledging his rights, they proceeded to search his entire house for hours, questioning him without a lawyer present, and taking personal items without clear legal justification.
“They never gave me a Schedule B. And since I’d never been raided before, I had no idea to even ask them for the Schedule B. So my defense attorney had to basically threaten them to get a copy of it. And when we got it, there were multiple things they took that were not on the list.”
The raid was not only a violation of Cain’s rights but also a stark reminder of the risks he had taken in coming forward. It was a clear indication that the forces he was up against were willing to go to great lengths to suppress the information he had revealed. The fact that federal agents would conduct such a raid, knowing his protected status, speaks to the gravity of the situation and the potential implications of the information he had brought to light.
Even after this incident, and being informed directly of Cain’s protected status, the agent in charge of the investigation continued to request information from Cain that he wasn’t legally required to give, or even to speak about without his attorney being present. This was not a mere oversight but a persistent and deliberate effort to obtain information from Cain, seemingly without regard for his legal rights as a whistleblower.
Cain recounted the unsettling experience:
“The agent calls me and I’ve already given him my lawyer’s information, and my lawyer instructed me not to say anything more. He calls me directly and tries to get me to give him my password to my phone and my password to my computer. And, I cooperated, I gave him, stupidly, I gave him the password to my phone. I immediately regretted it. And then he asked me for the password to not just my computer, but to my government computer, and when I refused he hung up angrily.”
If the persecution for coming forward with credible intel wasn’t enough, the story takes another turn, one that adds a new layer of complexity and intrigue to Cain’s already harrowing experience. Shortly after these events, Cain tells me that he received a call from a journalist at The Daily Caller. The journalist, who seemed to have inside information, informed him that The New York Times had somehow found out about the raid on his home and was about to publish a hit piece on him.
Cain recalls the shock and disbelief he felt at that moment:
“This guy then went on, you know, he basically leaked my information to the New York Times. I’m pretty sure it was him, because somehow the New York Times found out that I got raided.”
The revelation that a major news outlet had obtained information about the raid raises serious questions about the confidentiality of the investigation and the motives behind the leak. How did The New York Times get this information? Was there a breach of trust within the law enforcement agency, or was there a concerted effort to discredit Cain and undermine his credibility?
The impending publication of the hit piece added to the pressure and anxiety Cain was already facing. It was a clear indication that his ordeal was far from over, and that powerful forces were aligned against him. The leak to The New York Times was not just a violation of privacy; it was a strategic move to tarnish his reputation and cast doubt on his motives. The very act of exposing the truth had made him a target, and the stakes were escalating.
However, if you think that the persecution he faced was enough to deter his conviction to tell the truth, you would be mistaken. This is where Mr. Cain’s story takes an even darker turn, one that transcends the realm of political maneuvering and enters into a territory that is both deeply personal and profoundly disturbing.
After his information had been leaked to the press, it wasn’t long before he ended up in the hospital with symptoms resembling a stroke, despite being in perfect health prior to the event. The story is shocking, and it raises questions that go beyond the usual political intrigue:
“I ended up for six weeks having neurological symptoms that were identical to a stroke. Every test didn’t show anything, but that was after I went down to my car and reached up under my door handle, and there was some oily, wet substance under there. At the time, I thought, “Oh, gross.” And I wiped it off on my pants and got in the car, and I just wanted to get home. But I ended up in the emergency room with full-blown stroke symptoms, and thank God I was taking a vasodilator. I think that’s probably what saved my life.
“I had symptoms that lasted for six weeks. I went and saw a specialist in neurology who’s been in it for 50 years, and at the end of all these tests, he said to me, “What do you do for a living? Because I’m not finding anything in your charts. In fact, your arteries in your brain are pristine.” And he said, “So this doesn’t make any sense. What do you do for a living?” I said, “I’m a cybersecurity.” And he goes, “That just doesn’t make any sense. I’ve only known one guy who’s had all the symptoms that you had and had charts like yours, and that guy worked for an industrial chemical factory and touched some chemicals without his gloves on.” It triggered a memory of that that day I reached under my door handle and there was that oily liquid. And I realized what had happened.”
Cain’s sudden illness, coming on the heels of the leak and the raid, suggests a level of malice and intent that is truly chilling. Was this a coincidence, or was it something more sinister? The timing, the circumstances, and the nature of his symptoms all point to a deliberate attempt to silence him, to incapacitate him, or worse.
The incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks faced by those who dare to challenge the status quo, who dare to speak out against corruption and injustice. It’s a sobering testament to the courage and resilience required to stand up for what is right, even when faced with threats to one’s very life. The ordeal that Cain endured is not just a personal story; it’s a reflection of the broader challenges that whistleblowers and truth-seekers face in a world where power and influence often overshadow integrity and ethics.
So to summarize, Cain was raided by the FBI, doxxed by The New York Times, and potentially poisoned, simply for having the conviction to stand up and speak for what he believed to be true and just. All of this was for having the courage to do what was right. It’s quite the story, filled with twists and turns, betrayals and bravery, but it wasn’t finished, because this was all years before his run for political office.
What was it that made him turn once again, and have the conviction to stand up now, after his name had faded from the newspapers and he had been living a quiet life in West Virginia for a few years, after such turmoil? For Cain, his faith in God did not allow him to enjoy the quiet life he had finally found. His sense of duty, his belief in a higher calling, and his unwavering commitment to truth and justice propelled him back into the public sphere.
Cain: “And then I got that still small voice then, and it said, son, enjoy this while it last. ’cause this is just a vacation and I got more work for you to do.”
Indeed, Cain has already been actively working for the people of West Virginia even before finishing the primary. He has already brought one of the most powerful bills of its kind that we have seen, the Parental Bill of Rights, from his future constituents into the West Virginia assembly. This comprehensive piece of legislation directly addresses major cultural and politically charged issues of the day, specifically regarding the rights of parents and their children.
The bill is a robust response to concerns that have been growing among parents and guardians. It protects minors from obscene or sexual material, ensuring that they are not exposed to content that is inappropriate for their age. It also establishes ironclad laws around the rights of parents regarding their children’s educational material, giving them a say in what their children are taught and ensuring that they have the ability to influence where their children attend school. Furthermore, the bill ensures that no government agency or officer has the right over children, reinforcing the primacy of parental rights and responsibilities.
When asked what drove him to propose a bill before even reaching office, Cain responded without hesitation. He stated that he believed he was a man of action, and that no matter where he went or what he discussed with special interest groups, this issue was universal. He saw a need, a gap in the protection of children and the rights of parents, and he acted decisively to address it.
The Parental Bill of Rights is not just a political statement; it’s a practical and principled stand for the values that Cain holds dear. It reflects his understanding of the challenges faced by families in today’s complex and often confusing world, and it offers a clear and unambiguous path to ensuring that parents have the tools and the authority they need to guide and protect their children.
Cain: “Parents have a right to protect their children. And that’s what this is about… I could have said, Hey, this is really a state issue and you know, you should talk to your delegates, but instead I decided to go ahead, write the bill, and then lobby it to our own legislators to get it going, because I think this issue is important, and I think it’s an important issue to, to prove to the second district that I’m willing to fight for them.”
The W.C. Dispatch encourages all our readers to read this bill and take it to your own state legislators.
The message from Nate Cain is a powerful one, coming from a man who has unquestionably proven that he has the courage to stand up for what he believes is right. However, what stood out to me was his consistent refusal to take sole credit for his actions and achievements. Whether it was his constant travel to different cities and churches, which he attributes to his campaign manager (his wife), the whistleblower information, where he acknowledged another man’s help in compiling the data, or even the bill he’s pushing in the assembly. With the bill, he explained that the first five articles were given to him by one of his future constituents. He liked them so much that he took them to a constitutional attorney, who helped him refine and add the additional sections. Cain’s humility and willingness to share credit is a refreshing departure from the typical political narrative.
One might find it hard to believe that the words “humility” and “politician” can be used in the same sentence, but as we stated at the beginning of this article, that is not always the case, and it certainly isn’t here. For Cain, the answer to where his motivation and humility originates was clear:
“I think there’s something that the Lord showed me the other day. I was spending some time in prayer, and reading through the scriptures and the Lord led me to a verse in James 1:5-8, and it says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking, but when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone, do not waver for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” And I felt like the key verse in there was verse seven where it says, “Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.” And I felt like God was telling me, “Look Nate, if you put your trust in me and not in all of these political advisors, and everybody that might come to you and say, ‘Oh, you should do this and you should do that,’ but instead you come to me and say, ‘God, what should I do?'”
Cain’s story is a testament to conviction, courage, and faith. It’s a narrative that transcends the typical political landscape, offering a glimpse into the life of a man driven not by ambition or personal gain but by a higher calling. His journey from whistleblower to congressional candidate is marked by trials and tribulations, yet his resolve remained unshaken.
In a world where cynicism often clouds our view of politics, Nate Cain’s story serves as a reminder that integrity and authenticity still have a place in the public sphere. His willingness to stand up for truth, his commitment to the people he seeks to represent, and his unwavering faith provide a refreshing contrast to the all-too-common political maneuvering.
As voters and citizens, we are often left to decipher the true intentions of those who seek our support. But in the case of Nate Cain, his actions speak louder than words. His story is not just about political aspirations; it’s about a man guided by principles, ready to serve and make a difference.
Whether or not one agrees with his political stance, it’s hard to deny the sincerity and dedication that define his approach to public service. In a time when trust in politicians is at a low, Nate Cain’s story offers a glimmer of hope that genuine leadership is still possible.
As we came to the close of our interview, I asked Cain if he had any final messages that he would want our readers to hear. True to his character, he had only one request:
“I’ve been telling everyone that this year the upcoming national day of prayer falls directly before the primary election, and all we ask is that everyone join us in a day of fasting and prayer that day.”
His words, reflecting on his faith and trust in a higher power, resonate beyond the political arena. They speak to a universal truth about staying true to one’s beliefs, even in the face of adversity. And perhaps, in a world filled with complex challenges and divisive rhetoric, that’s a message we all need to hear.
– Walter Curt, Editor of The W.C. Dispatch
We hope you enjoyed this in-depth interview from The W.C. Dispatch. Mr. Nate Cain’s story is one of conviction, courage, and faith, and we believe it offers a refreshing perspective in today’s political landscape.
If you would like to know more about Mr. Nate Cain’s campaign, explore his platform, or would like to donate to support his efforts, you can do so by visiting Nate Cain’s Campaign Website.
Additionally, we encourage our readers to review the Parental Bill of Rights that Mr. Cain has been actively promoting. This comprehensive piece of legislation addresses major cultural and politically charged issues of the day, specifically regarding the rights of parents and their children. You can find the full text of the bill here.
Thank you for taking the time to read this feature. The W.C. Dispatch is committed to providing insightful and professional reporting that resonates with our readers. Stay tuned for more exclusive interviews and in-depth analysis in the future.