“Black People’s Jury” indicts Ferguson police officer for murder

Written by Allen West
January 9, 2015

When I was growing up and attending Ft. Street United Methodist Church on Boulevard Avenue in Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward, the Sunday service would end with the singing of the Negro National Anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” I was full of pride to watching my mom, Snooks West, a stellar soprano, belt out those high notes — and yep, I sang as well because it was a heritage song. Plus, you did not want the kinda whipping those church mothers would give you if you acted like you had a speech problem preventing you singing — and y’all know exactly what I am talking about.

commies-300x180Yes, singing that song gave me a sense of pride and honor, because I knew what Mom and Dad had endured. However, Mom would sing the Star Spangled Banner with even greater passion and of course Dad was a World War II Soldier. Together they taught me respect, honor, commitment, and duty to God and country — but also to embrace my black heritage. And part of that heritage was to regard our rule of law and respect authority and law enforcement – without submission or subservience.

However, something just happened I cannot embrace or support.


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