Protect The Innocent
MOVCAC Mission: Do our best to protect the innocent from predators that prey on them.
Seth Gruber sits down with Pastor Jack Hibbs to talk about exactly how our culture got to where we are today. Gruber describes the intricate trail connecting our perverted cultural norms to 18th and 19th-century humanist revolutionaries. It’s no longer acceptable to be silent. The Church must stand against this evil.
To help Seth educate and expose culture to the evil of abortion so that every person has a right to be born, become an ALLY of The White Rose Resistance at https://thewhiterose.life
State Issues
Members of MOVCAC testified in favor of WV HB-4654, a bill that aims to restrict minors’ access to pornographic materials.
The West Virginia House of Delegates held a public hearing for House Bill 4654 on Wednesday, January 24, 2024. The bill as written would “amend and reenact §61-8A-3 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to removing bona fide schools, public libraries, and museums from the list of exemptions from criminal liability relating to distribution and display to minor of obscene matter.”