Gov. DeWine Attempted a TOTAL TAKE OVER
OH Rep. Nino Vitale
May 18, 2020
State Representative for Champaign, Logan and Shelby Counties
What Did DeWine Know A Year Ago?
Last year, in March of 2019, the DeWine administration released ‘his’ version of a bill. This 1,810-page bill became known as House Bill 166. The details are below but he ‘suggested’ giving himself total dictatorial power over all law enforcement and all state and local government money without any legislative oversight.
The question we should be asking ourselves is what did DeWine know over a year ago that might make him desire to have such totalitarian powers for a possible ‘public health emergency’ back in early 2019?
You can review the short 88 lines buried among 54,571 lines he proposed. See lines 364-452 for yourself as I have included a link to the original proposed bill. Maybe he thought no one would notice these 88 lines of law code hidden in this over 1000-page bill which the Ohio House rejected.
1. | Allow DeWine to declare, by Executive Order, a public health emergency in cases of the harm to the public health. |
2. | Declare a health emergency in all political subdivisions. |
3. | Require the order to remain in effect until the Governor determines the conditions no longer exist with no input from the Ohio House, Senate or any courts. |
4. | Permit the governor to issue orders as long as he wishes with no end date as long as his previously declared emergency, still exists, by his definitions. |
5. | Allow DeWine to ‘take action over state and local law enforcement agencies as necessary to secure compliance with said emergency order.’ |
6. | Establish offices and appoint personnel to carry out orders of said health emergency. |
7. | Use any available resources of state government or local government. |
8. | Order the Budget Director to transfer cash from any fund. |
9. | Limit, alter or suspend any collective bargaining agreement. (Labor and union contracts) |
Again, this was all proposed in an exceptionally long bill a year ago in March of 2019. Why?
Even the Ohio Health Director’s powers do not allow taking over law enforcement, local governments, and all state and local monies.
Why in March of 2019, when DeWine released his 54,571 lines of language in HB 166, did he specifically want broad, sweeping, and dictatorial powers for a ‘public health emergency’ and bury it in 88 lines of code?
Did he anticipate something coming a year later that would make it convenient for him to take total power and handle some ‘future health emergency’ that might be on the horizon?
Why was it so specific to a ‘health emergency?’
The documents are linked here for you to read and ponder for yourself. The COMP DOCUMENT shows that the Ohio House took the smart step to remove this language from HB 166 and so it was never put into law.
Why did you bury these 88 lines in the 54,571 line bill you wrote in March of 2019 Governor DeWine?
What did you know ‘might be coming?’
Here is the link to the full original 1810 page, 54,571 lines of code, ‘as introduced’ by DeWine in March of 2019, and as he sent to the Ohio House and what he wanted in law. Again, see lines 364-452 for yourself.…
This link is the Comparative Law Review showing how, as the bill progressed, the Ohio House took out that language in HB166 – May, 2019…
DeWine HB166 Original Language – lines 364-452 only…
If you want to check any of these details against the official statehouse record, you can go to the link below which shows you all the many stages of House Bill 166 on the official statehouse web site. You can see the timeline and dates under STATUS and you can see the actual versions of the bill under DOCUMENTS.…/legislation-status…