The Right To Life “Trumps” All Else

by Joseph Matt
The Wanderer

A last-minute plea … To the Glenn Becks, Never Trumpers, Third Party Crowd, and the rest of the voters who are facilitating a Hillary Clinton victory:

hillaryEach presidential election becomes more critical than the last, as our country continues its fast track to distance itself from our Creator and His laws. Here we are again with another election more important than the last. To the Catholic and the Christian, the two most crucial issues of the day are the right to life and the right to religious liberty, period.

Without life, the most fundamental right, all other rights become insignificant. If we lose the right to practice our faith, every other right also becomes inconsequential. Any person or politician who does not respect these two rights will ultimately compromise or negotiate on any other right.

Either major candidate in this year’s presidential election will have a direct and lasting impact on both of these issues. And they draw a stark contrast.

Donald Trump has said he will support the pro-life cause, from the appointment of pro-life Supreme Court justices to upholding the Hyde Amendment to defunding Planned Parenthood. He also has assured us he will protect our religious liberties.Witness the last debate.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has promised us that she will do everything in her power to make the killing of babies easier and more accessible and she wants us to pay for those murders. She has also stated that religious people and religions must change their beliefs to accommodate the “enlightened” ideologies of our times, from redefining gender to reinventing the definition of marriage to allowing the wholesale murder of innocent babies.

The all-out assault on life and religious liberty will be startling in a Clinton presidency — the likes of which we have never seen. A Clinton victory will be perceived as a mandate for doubling down and furthering the progressive policies of the past eight years.

Remember, the administration Clinton is now part of persecuted Catholic nuns for not being willing to pay for contraception coverage in their health-insurance plans. And that same administration will punish states who do not abide by the federally mandated gender bathroom edicts.

Clinton’s fellow progressivists in the court system have persecuted an organization that exposed the buying and selling of aborted baby parts by Planned Parenthood. Don’t forget: Planned Parenthood endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Clinton’s operatives even went so far as to try to influence and undermine Catholic leadership in the Church, according to the emails exposed by WikiLeaks.

And witness the leaked emails between the State Department and the FBI — these are ruthless and power-hungry people who will stop at nothing to attain their agenda.

To those conservative voters who are delirious enough to think that a Hillary presidency would not matter so long as we shore up the House and Senate with enough Republicans to counter that effect: Look back at the last eight years as we stood by and watched as a spineless GOP majority let Obama run roughshod over them with his progressive agenda and, yes, we are still funding Planned Parenthood.
To those of you withholding your vote because of the deplorable personal behavior that Donald Trump displayed in the past: Yes, some of his actions have been reprehensible and inexcusable. He has since apologized and said it would not happen again. If the stakes of this election are as high as we think, we have to move beyond this. A vote for Donald Trump in no way excuses his past behavior nor does it mean we can’t reprimand his future behavior if needed. There are larger principles at stake here. What parents would require a morals test before they allowed a questionable person to save the life of their son or daughter — or for that matter their own life?

The history books are replete with many immoral, unprincipled men who have sought forgiveness and have played a providential role. King David is perhaps the most famous. He not only had an adulterous affair with Bathsheba, the wife of one of his generals: He later sent the general to the front lines of the battlefield to be killed, thinking this would cover up his sinful deed.

We can hope and pray that Donald Trump can lead this nation into a better place. If he does not live up to our expectations we can hold him accountable. We will not have that option with Hillary Clinton.
In the next four years there will be approximately four million babies who will be slaughtered in the womb. To put that number in perspective: that is the equivalent of filling an average NFL stadium over 50 times with a capacity crowd of people. Those babies will have no vote in this election but for some their very life will depend on it.

What if these voiceless children were able to cast a vote in this election? Is there any doubt as to whom they would vote? Would withholding their vote or a third party vote even be an option? The answer is obvious to every living human being who cherishes every breath of his life, God’s greatest gift. Let us not only hear their voice but let us be their voice.

Because this election is like no other, a voter who abstains or votes for a third party facilitates a Clinton victory, thus directly playing a role in the blood of the innocents — let alone the destruction of a country where law and order are not for the ruling class.

If you believe the fate of the unborn and your religious freedom are truly at stake in this election, a vote for a candidate other than Donald Trump or abstaining altogether is not an option.

A Hillary Clinton margin of victory could easily come down to the percentage of voters who did not vote or voted for a third party. Imagine, facing a jury made up of some of the millions of babies who will be victims of abortion in the next four years and having to explain why you do not share in the culpability of those who endorsed the slaughter of them and their fellow brothers and sisters.

The blood on the hands of the voters for Hillary Clinton will be shared by those who abstain or vote for a third party — and the innocent unborn who will never experience their first breath of life will yet again be discarded as lives that never existed or mattered. Don’t be that person.

Joseph Matt,
President, The Wanderer

For those who see no difference between the parties or who feel a third party is where they will cast their vote… if you vote third party or do not vote… YOU CAST YOUR VOTE FOR TYRANNY It is that plain and simple!

  • Please remember that in congress there is NO SIGNIFICANT NUMBER to represent anyone other than the TWO RUNNING CANDIDATES.
  • So no one can or will come out of the Electoral College that is not a member of the two parties that vastly make up the Electoral College. BLUNTLY



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